Internationally Educated Nurses

This page is for applicants whose a.) psychiatric nursing education was completed outside of Canada or b.) who are Canadian Citizens who received their psychiatric nursing education in another country and are not currently registered (or been deemed eligible to be registered) in one of the four (4) Western provinces of Canada.

Please review the Guidelines for Assisting Applicants in Determining if their Education Meets the Entry Level Requirements of a Registered Psychiatric Nurse in Canada.

Am I eligible to work in Alberta as a Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN)?

Often Internationally Educated Psychiatric Nurses assume that once they have initially applied to CRPNA that they are eligible to work in Alberta. This is not the case.
We advise all International Psychiatric Nurses to determine whether you are eligible to immigrate and work in Alberta prior to applying. This way, you will not waste time, money and effort applying to CRPNA if you are ineligible to immigrate here.
You can visit the immigration website for Alberta  or the Canadian Immigration and Citizenship website at

Other Resources

Direction for Immigrants is a no cost career service for internationally educated professionals that have been helping eligible clients at no cost with their job search and accreditation process since 2004.

Below are links to learn more about valuable resources with Direction for Immigrants:

Direction for Immigrants home page:

Registered Psychiatric Nurse Profile Page:

Before you can apply to CRPNA

All internationally educated nurses who want to apply to CRPNA must first apply directly to the National Nursing Assessment Services (NNAS) to have their education credentials assessed.  NNAS coordinates a consistent national approach for Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) seeking registration/licensure to practise in Canadian jurisdictions.

NNAS Process:
1.  To verify education credentials for internationally educated nurses;
2.  To compare these credentials to Canadian standards;
3.  To provide a secure, centralized electronic repository for the nurse's education and registration credentials
4.  To provide applicant with an advisory report

Apply To CRPNA To Have A Review Of NNAS Advisory Report

Once NNAS has completed and sent the Advisory Report, CRPNA must then complete a review of this report in order to determine eligibility to write the RPNC Examination and eligibility for registration.

NNAS Report Review Form   

Once the review of the report has been completed a letter will be sent from CRPNA advising the outcome.